Our Services

Here for you

Our aim is to support your learning whether that be in class, your home environment or online

Baby Signing Classes

Join our classes to learn how to communicate with your baby through the use of signing. 

We sign along to popular children's songs as well as stimulating their senses with puppets, parachutes and bubbles!

Nursery Visits

Makaton is being incorporated more and more into mainstream education.  Make sure you're up to date with all of the latest research, showing how Makaton supports speech and vocabulary. We're keen to support you, to introduce it into day to day life in your early years setting.

Contact us for a direct quote!

Makaton Training

Access our official Makaton courses, to ensure continuing excellence in your professional capabilities. Learn how to support those with communication difficulties and expand your knowledge of Makaton and its applications.

Staff and group training available in-house or via Zoom.


Keep checking back to see if we are offering any workshops in your area or message us to express interest in future ones.



Want access to the same resources that class members get? You can view our password protected material for just £18 per course. 

Birthday Parties

A special birthday signing session with all the fun of a class and bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles!

Available in selected locations.

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